Tiredness - tips against constant exhaustion

tiredness woman yawning


  • Sufficient sleep: Regular and sufficient sleep is the most important factor in the fight against fatigue. 7-9 hours of sleep per night is recommended.
  • Healthy eating: A balanced diet with sufficient nutrients, vitamins and minerals can contribute to more energy and prevent fatigue.
  • Regular exercise: Regular physical activity can help you feel more alert and energetic. It is recommended to exercise at least 30 minutes a day to promote health and prevent fatigue.

Constant tiredness can be pretty tiring. Probably no one can afford to always be tired and exhausted at work, at university or in their free time. Still complain more and more people that they suffer from permanent or intermittent fatigue.

Many also suffer from sleep disorders, which explains the tiredness during the day. Tiredness during the day can have various causes. Of course, the best thing to do is to recognize them and eliminate them. There are various anti-fatigue medication, but this does not address the root of the problem. Nevertheless, the question arises for many: What to do if you are tired and listless? Can vitamins possibly help against fatigue? Which are the most effective Tips against fatigue?

Below we give Tips against fatigue and sluggishness that can easily be integrated into everyday life. In addition, natural stimulants against fatigue such as guarana or Caffeine work wonders when we're overwhelmed by fatigue in the office.

The causes of fatigue

Why are you tired? It is quite normal for us to get tired at some point in the evening, after all it is Sleep is an important basic need of the human. But why do people often get tired just when they should actually be performing at their best - for example in the office? And why do you stay tired for so long after getting up in the morning and just don't wake up properly?

fatigue can many causes to have. Above all, our body wants to tell us: Stop! I don't have enough energy left, I need a break. After a nap or a good night's sleep you are fit and rested again.

But so can fatigue through sleep disorders come, logical actually. In rarer cases, people also suffer due to wrong diet under fatigue. Because if important nutrients such as iron or vitamins are missing, fatigue shows up. So if you eat a healthy and balanced diet, but above all a diet rich in vitamins, you may be able to get the problem of tiredness under control. If this is not possible with normal nutrition, you can Anti-fatigue vitamins help: for example Vitamin B12, iron, Vitamin D or folic acid.

Even those who don't get enough exercise in the fresh air can get tired. In winter, the production of the sleep hormone melatonin is in full swing. It is precisely then that it is important to soak up enough sun.

Tips against fatigue

fatigue cycling man

What to do against tiredness in the morningwhat to do against tiredness in the evening? Fatigue tips are worth their weight in gold if you are afflicted with this problem. Regardless of whether you slept badly, had a short night, whether you are doing a monotonous job or have been sitting too much: tiredness during the day can different causes to have. A few helpful tips against fatigue are the following:


One can short movement unit work wonders. Going up and down a flight of stairs, for example, a short walk in the fresh air or a few squats is better than nothing.

The cold shower

that one cold shower makes you wake up quickly is obvious. If no shower is available, a few splashes of cold water on your face might be enough.

Fresh air

If you are tired, you should open the window, regardless of the temperature outside. Of the Cold stimulus and the oxygen ensure that you wake up in no time.


tiredness fill up with sunlight woman

If you soak up the sun, your body produces more serotonin, a happiness hormone that increases well-being. It urges that Sleep hormone melatonin back - exactly the effect we need when we are tired.

Build in rest breaks

It doesn't always have to be a nap. But rest periods are just as important for the body as they are for the mind. The mobile phone should be switched off deliberately. Sometimes a short yoga session helps, Meditation or a ritual that is regularly celebrated to recharge your batteries.

Fall asleep better - what can I do?

Persistent fatigue is of course also caused by little or restless sleep. That's why it's important at night adequate sleep to get. Easier said, so done. But good sleep hygiene is an important cornerstone for ensuring that the night's sleep is what it should be: restful and regenerating. It is therefore best to avoid too many external stimuli shortly before going to bed. Alcohol does not really help with sleep either, even if it is propagated again and again.

Tips against tiredness in the office

tiredness office man sleep

tips against tiredness in the office are often helpful, because who can afford to yawn all the time at work or appear unfocused? Unfortunately, some of the tips against tiredness that have already been explained above cannot be implemented in the office. But there are other ways to do that Counteract office fatigue. Helpful tips against fatigue in the office include:

Eat mindfully

Anyone who eats a greasy, heavy dish for their lunch break shouldn't be surprised if they literally fall into a “schnitzel coma” afterwards. Better to choose a lighter meal and stay fitter. High-energy foods are best eaten at breakfast. In the evening, too greasy should be avoided.

power napping

If you have the opportunity, you should take a short nap during your lunch break. After that you have enough energy to get through the second part of the day without getting tired.


It is also helpful not to sit in the same place all day. Even a short climb of stairs or a walk in the fresh air help to stay fit or to get fit.

fresh air

Is fatigue spreading in the office? Open the window! This ensures fresh thoughts and a fresh mind.

Anti-fatigue stimulants

fatigue caffeine

A popular one Anti-fatigue stimulants is Caffeineie tea and coffee. Also Guarana contains caffeine, even more than coffee, and it's also more lasting in terms of effects.

Other natural stimulants against fatigue are Nootropicsthat almost always from natural superfoods exist and can give the stressed brain a little help. Effective vitamins against fatigue are iron and vitamin D, but also vitamin B12 and magnesium.

Anti-Fatigue Drugs: An Option?

Anti-fatigue medication Although they often sound tempting, they should be the last resort in the fight against tiredness and lethargy. If you suffer from insomnia or if restless sleep prevents you from resting at night, you can definitely consider the to see a doctor. It is questionable whether he will immediately prescribe medication for tiredness or insomnia. Most anti-fatigue medications have unwanted side effects. An alternative can herbal sleeping pills .

What are the disadvantages of consuming stimulants to combat fatigue?

Taking stimulants to combat fatigue has several disadvantages. One of the main disadvantages is the dependency that can arise from taking stimulants. Regular use of stimulants can lead to developing a tolerance to the effects and requiring higher and higher doses to achieve the desired effect. This can lead to a vicious cycle of taking more and more stimulants to stay awake, eventually getting into a state where you can't function properly without them.

Another disadvantage of stimulants is that they can have various physical and psychological side effects. These can range from heart palpitations and tremors to anxiety, insomnia and difficulty concentrating. In addition to being uncomfortable, these side effects can also be dangerous if they affect the ability to drive or operate heavy machinery safely.

Additionally, taking stimulants to combat fatigue can also have long-term effects on your health. These include an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. Therefore, the short-term benefits of using stimulants may not be worth the long-term risks associated with taking them regularly.


1. What are the causes of fatigue?

Fatigue can have various causes: sleep disorders, unhealthy diet, lack of certain nutrients such as iron or vitamins, lack of exercise and melatonin in winter. It is a sign from the body that it needs rest and energy.

2. How to overcome morning or evening fatigue?

There are many ways to overcome fatigue such as: B. through short physical activities, cold showers, fresh air, sunlight, rest breaks and not using your cell phone or computer before bed.

3. Can vitamins help against fatigue?

Yes, vitamins can help fight fatigue, especially vitamin B12, iron, vitamin D, and folic acid. When these nutrients are not adequately obtained through diet, they can be taken as dietary supplements.

4. How Can Natural Stimulants Like Guarana or Caffeine Help?

Natural stimulants like guarana or caffeine can help when you're feeling tired and want to wake up quickly. However, these drugs should not be taken too often or in large quantities, so as not to overload the body.

5. How important are rest periods for body and mind?

Recovery phases are important for both the body and the mind in order to recharge your batteries and increase performance. These do not always have to be sleep phases, yoga, meditation or other relaxation exercises can also help to relax the body and mind.


Those who suffer from fatigue are not alone in this, quite the opposite. It is even a everyday problem. There are many tips against tiredness, ranging from getting enough sleep, a healthy lifestyle to a healthy and balanced diet, etc.

If you are always tired, you should at some point see a doctor, because sometimes the annoying tiredness and lethargy can also be the first sign of a serious illness. In any case, not only good, old coffee helps with tiredness, but sometimes vitamins against tiredness, natural stimulants against tiredness such as guarana or a small round of exercise can work wonders.

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