cbd chemical composition
CBD, smoking and hemp

What is the difference between CBD and THCP?

In recent years, interest in the various components of the cannabis plant has increased significantly, particularly in relation to its potential health benefits. Two cannabinoids that have received particular attention are cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabiphorol (THCP). Although CBD is known for its therapeutic properties and its

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CBD, smoking and hemp

The Evolution of CBD: From Nature to Our Health

You've probably heard of CBD - cannabidiol, one of the main components of the hemp plant. But how did CBD find its way from nature into our health? This fascinating journey through the history of CBD and its evolution in terms of use in the

smoking woman
CBD, smoking and hemp

Tobacco heaters: the less harmful alternative to smoking?

Smoking is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than eight million people die every year as a result of tobacco consumption. Many smokers want to quit smoking, but this is often easier said than done. Nicotine addiction is a strong addiction,

cbd oil bottles
CBD, smoking and hemp

Cannabis on prescription: when is it used?

Patients with serious illnesses can be prescribed medical cannabis under certain conditions. One of several conditions is that standard therapies have already been tried and were either ineffective or intolerable. Due to these strict criteria, treatment with cannabis is currently still a long way off for many patients

medicinal plants
CBD, smoking and hemp

Relaxing Naturally: The Fascinating Science Behind Natural Remedies

Summary The Power of Nature: How Natural Remedies Promote Relaxation For thousands of years we have trusted in the healing powers of nature. Whether lavender, chamomile or lemon balm, these and many other plants are traditionally used for relaxation and calming. Current scientific studies now confirm the effectiveness

cannabis seeds
CBD, smoking and hemp

Fun Facts About Cannabis Seeds - What's Behind the Hype?

Hemp seeds come in a wide variety of varieties and bring different properties with them. As a dietary supplement, they have experienced a real hype in recent years. But what are the potential health benefits of hemp seeds? And what different types are there? We clarify these and other questions in