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Vitamins and nutrients for a healthy body

The role of nutritional supplements in achieving fitness goals

Fitness is a comprehensive concept that includes not only physical activity but also mental clarity and endurance. In addition to a structured training program and a balanced diet, nutritional supplements are becoming increasingly important in effectively supporting fitness goals. Supplement for a balanced diet Dietary supplements are specially developed preparations,

Vitamins and nutrients for a healthy body

The blood sugar formula – get your sugar levels under control.

The most important facts summarized: Probably the biggest problem when losing weight is the sugar level, which is permanently too high due to improper nutrition, or drops quickly and then causes cravings. Fast and unhealthy sources of sugar are then resorted to, which cause blood sugar levels to rise rapidly,

disease of the stomach
Vitamins and nutrients for a healthy body

What Vitamins Should You Take After Gastric Bypass and Why?

Today we will talk about an important topic for everyone who has undergone gastric bypass surgery: what vitamins are recommended after such an operation and why are they of great importance? Gastric bypass surgery can alter digestive functions, thereby reducing our body's ability to absorb nutrients,

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Vitamins and nutrients for a healthy body

The Benefits of 5-HTP for Improved Mood and Sleep

In today's fast-paced world, finding a healthy balance between work, personal life and overall well-being is often a challenge. Many people struggle with mood swings, anxiety and sleep disorders, which can have a significant impact on their quality of life. Fortunately, there are natural solutions to this

all vitamins
Vitamins and nutrients for a healthy body

Vitamin D3/K2 the best combination for your health

With the beginning of autumn come the first infections. The immune system is weakened and viruses have it much easier to establish themselves. The combination of vitamin D3 and K2 is perfect for strengthening your own defences. We form vitamin D through our skin. This works out

healthy woman slim
Vitamins and nutrients for a healthy body

Juice Plus+ Essentials Omega+ Blend: what can the new capsules do?

Healthy eating is more important than ever. In our hectic world, however, more and more people are not finding it so easy to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Fast food and quickly prepared ready meals are therefore part of everyday life for many people. However, our body needs a balanced