Detox treatment – naturally detoxify body and soul
The term detox is simply the abbreviation of the English term “detoxification”, which can be translated as “detoxification”, so it is ultimately nothing new. That the concept of detoxification but within the framework of daily increasing poisoning of the body by food and environmental toxins more and more in the focus of medicine, but is quite new. We are pretty sure now that deep-seated toxins in our gut and in our cells promote a variety of diseases, possibly even trigger. All the more reason why everyone should think about a regular detox cure and do something good for their body.
A detox is so nothing more than a detoxification cure or purification cure, which has been practiced worldwide for centuries. wants Desire for a healthy, vital and happy life make - through news and concepts to new scientific knowledge or personal experiences. The focus of the website is the health maintenance and the Improvement of complaints as well as serious illnesses not through symptom suppression but profound body-own healing.
Why detox?
Reasons of intoxication of the body
As part of the detox cures or detoxification cures other is asked to do it yourself cleaning, yourself of toxins zu to free and detox. This happens in principle on the basis of a previous Poisoning that puts a strain on the organism and inhibits human productivity. These toxins attack the organism insidiously. The body is consciously poisoned by cigarettes and alcohol, but also by insufficient sleep, stress, daily environmental pollution and processed, bad food.
Scientists assume that the human body has a certain storage mode, according to which, even with a functioning metabolism, residues remain in the body that are neither processed nor excreted. Fat and connective tissue serve as storage and this is exactly where the waste products from the consumption accumulate and combine to form acids or heavy metals.
It becomes truly dangerous when connective and fatty tissue are stretched to capacity. Then a new anatomical bearing is sought - and then muscles, tendons and joints have to be used. Hence follows after the detox, the purification, which means: First the toxin is removed from the body cells, then it is transported away and excreted.
Signals of intoxication of the body
Symptoms for poisoning there are many: headache, sleep disorders and listlessness are most common signs of intoxication of the body. However, supposedly organic problems of the gastrointestinal tract as well as weight and skin problems also bear witness to the fact that poisoning has taken place in the body and is usually still ongoing.
In addition, one helps Supposedly detoxification, as it is done as part of a detox cure, to rid the body of all kinds of harmful substances - and thus release capacities to defend against other diseases.
suitability for a detox
A detox is not for everyone. experts advise in case of pregnancy or no detox cure while breastfeeding close. Even those who have already suffered from an eating disorder must exercise caution with all types of dietary changes and should only complete a detox cure under medical supervision.
Like detox
forms of detoxification
The Goal of all detox cures it is that body of toxins zu to freeto completely detoxify it and give it the opportunity to cleanse itself. One Detox cure is always then usefulwhen the body suffers from an excessive toxin balance. If you want to banish the pollutants from your body, you can take as long as you want. There are detox cures that are designed for a longer period of time, as well as detox days on which one day of the week or month is selected as the detox day.
Basically there is two options with Detox cure:
- The Detox cure dem Fast is very similar, and where entirely abstain from solid food will, and
- which makes Detox diet cure, which usually lasts six weeks, and at the one set of foods allowed .
Accompanying therapies during detoxification
In addition to the actual Detox cure, so the purification and detoxification with the help of a specific nutrition plan, line up other medical applications at the same time one, the one Support detox cure can. Endermologie that's what it's called in technical jargon and designates a Therapy used to stimulate metabolism with and without a detox. Excess water is removed from the tissue. This should effectively detoxify the body. During the therapy, fat cells are said to be squeezed out with the help of a special device that acts like a vacuum massage.
Background of a detox cure - purification and detoxification
Beginner ideally choose into the world of detoxification first a multi-day detox cure. The following note: In the first few days of a detox cure, tiredness, headaches or irritability can occur - but a real energy boost can also set in when the metabolism changes and the toxins of everyday life leave the body.
Duration of detox cures
The Detox cure is considered a cure for the organs, therefore promise particular long-term detox cures, which focus on a different organ each week, the best results. Who each a week
- the liver,
- the kidneys
- of the skin,
- the lungs
- the lymph and
- dedicated to the gut
has after six weeks as well as a complete detox run through. Every organ and thus every spa week are allocated certain foods and also juices and herbal teas, which underpin the concentration on an organ with the corresponding nutrition plan.
Detox cure for 3 days
If six weeks are too long to detoxify the body, you can do something good for your body with short detox phases. However, at least three days should be plannedto banish the toxins from the body. In the three days it is important to to eat only plant-based food. alkaline food relieves the burden on the intestines and the metabolism. During this time, the body excretes acids. He then regenerates again.
Detox cure for 5-7 days
If you have the feeling that this relief phase is good for the body and there are no symptoms, you can extend the detox cure. One Five Day Cure should not be a problem after successfully completing the three-day course. If you got through the five days without any problems, you can also do one Seven Day Detox make of it.
Detox cures for 21 days and longer
The Detox cures spread over a longer period of time, 21 days and more, it is better to have one beforehand consult doctor. Furthermore, one should pay attention to increased carbohydrates to include in the diet plan. A potato salad without mayonnaise, for example, or snacks such as dates, bananas or sweet potatoes are ideal for providing the body with the energy it needs. are also recommended accompanying yoga exercises.
Worth knowing for all detox cures
During the detox period, the alkaline foods exceed the acidic ones. The total calorie intake should not exceed 3 kcal during the detox period (5-800 day cures). Surprisingly, food cravings don't happen if you eat the right foods. For longer cures, the doctor should be consulted.
During the detox cures, it is important to pay attention to the nutritional profile. the Food selection should always be varied and balanced. This is the only way to avoid deficiency symptoms.
Which foods are suitable for a detox cure
If you think of hungry days and growling stomachs when you hear the word detox cure, you are wrong, because there is a comparatively long list of foods that are loud Detox meal plan allowed are.
Dazu gehören Fruits and Vegetables, which, in a variety of combinations, ensure a richly set table. It makes sense to pay attention to the official labeling of organic products, because they do not bring any unnecessary toxins into the body.
When it comes to salads, there are special ones radicchio and Rucola to recommend. At the Meat attention should also be paid to organic quality. Chicken and turkey are particularly lean and suitable for being eaten poached or grilled. Attention: Of course, only the meat without the skin is allowed on the plate. It is better to avoid meat altogether during the detox cure. Fans of fresh fish should say: Pike-Perch, Tuna and Salmon are allowed.
Food chart for detox cures
The table does not claim to be complete, but merely represents an excerpt of popular detox foods.
Fruits | Vegetables | Cereals & Legumes | Other |
In order to actively support the cleansing of the body,
- Seaweed soups
recommended. They not only cleanse the body, but also provide it with liquid, because sufficient liquid is absolutely necessary, especially for the transport of toxins out of the body. Two to three liters are the rule of thumb. Are allowed next to
- Water to
- herbal tea,
- Mate , and a
- ginger infusion.
In health food stores and on the Internet are also special
- Detox teas
The long list of foods that are suitable for detoxing is of course also opposed to a list of products that are banned as part of a detox cure. These include products containing toxins such as alcohol and caffeine, but also sugar, white flour and fried foods. Red meat, cheese and fatty dairy products as well as frozen and fast food are also on the red list.
Detox cure: at home or in a clinic?
Where the detoxification and purification of the body ultimately takes place is up to the individual or is ultimately also a matter of the wallet. One Detox cure in a spa clinic or in a spa hotel to book, of course, brings the additional wellness factor With and probably it is also easier to switch off and really devote the time of the detox cure solely to the body, but such a stay in a hotel costs a lot of money.
Spa clinics have some advantages
In a spa facility, food is served after Detox meal plan enough, there are drinks available that can be consumed as part of a detox cure - and since you are not alone in a spa hotel, the company of the other detox cure participants can definitely have an effect - in several directions. It can be easier to persevere in the company of others because you have people to talk to who can sympathize with the feeling of detoxification. In addition, society also inevitably encourages a certain level of ambition, because after all, nobody wants to sin if the other person perseveres.
A detox spa stay far away from everyday stress and everyday habits also has the advantage that usually numerous sports facilities are offered and massages and saunas are available, which can be useful for detoxification.
In the own four walls it's just easier to get off the detox plan. This also increases the risk that the detox diet will have no effect. Few will all non-detox foods from the household banned and you honestly have to ask yourself what happens when your nice neighbor wants to invite you for a glass of wine. So the detox cure at home is the cheaper alternative, but also more difficult to cope with emotionally.
Despite all the contrasts Detox cures regardless of location also have one thing in common: You should always use one start going to the doctor - whether in your own four walls or in a spa facility. Only after one extensive check it can start - to promote health and not harm it.
Instructions for the detox cure at home
Who his body with a Detox cure wants to help on the jumps, he should some rules note in order to be successful with a detox cure. While the body is eliminating toxins and cleansing itself from within, there is also time to think about the soul:
- Positive thinking,
- Gelassenheit and
- life-affirming mood
are helpful and, in addition to physical cleansing, also bring about a mental change. While environmental influences can only be minimized to a limited extent, the
- giving up cigarettes,
- Alcohol and
- Coffee
be done very consciously in order to successfully complete a detox cure. In addition
- adequate sleep
important, because toxins are broken down during the sleep phase - this not only helps during a detox cure, but in general for a fresh, relaxed morning. Likewise one assistance to the organswho are in charge of cleansing the body is:
- Oxygen.
A Walk helps that cleaning organs zu bleed through and gives them strength that Toxins successfully to banned.
It is invaluable Sport in the fresh air to drive, or through
- Yoga,
- Qigong,
- Pilates,
- relaxation exercises,
- Lymphatic drainage and
- Massages
Stimulate the liver and kidneys. These two organs play a key role in detoxification in the body. The kidneys, for example, have the task of flushing toxins out of the body. And of course that only works if
- enough fluid
used to flush toxins out of the body. Therefore are two to three liters a day necessary to support the kidneys in their difficult task. Foot baths, bath accessories and a walk in the Sauna help Furthermore, the toxins are transported away and thus enhance the detoxification effect.
It also makes sense to Detox Meal Plan for the time after the cure apply. Fruit and vegetables instead of fast food and fried foods have to be on the table to support the body in its daily fight against environmental influences. The consumed Products should organically grown come from and be as fresh as possible so as not to unnecessarily burden the body with preservatives or flavor enhancers. Going to the sweets shelf is also taboo: chocolate, gummy bears and chips are taboo during the detox cure and should only be consumed to a limited extent afterwards.
Detox cure vs. therapeutic fasting
fasting seems almost spiritual, but it really isn't. The original form, fasting itself, goes back to the religiously based fasting period, but not the fasting cure. Therapeutic fasting follows a similar approach to a Detox cure. Both have that Objectiveto pay more attention to the Body cleanse. Through the therapeutic fasting in the human body Self-healing powers activated which in turn form defenses against diseases such as gout, constipation, sleep disorders and other diseases.
Usually fasting ten days long. This period is accompanied by a lot of movement, preferably in the fresh air, lots of fluid intake in the form of water and teas and only a minimal program of food - such as fruit purees and porridges. In its original form, fasting does not require solid food at all. Some forms only allow tea, others rely on fruit juices, and still others only allow fasting soups. Therapeutic fasting is also offered in spa facilities and is often the time when eating habits are realigned. Many report that they have been exclusively vegetarian or vegan since fasting.
In addition to therapeutic fasting - as mentioned at the beginning - there is also a complete renunciation of food under the name "Detox cure“. Then not only will a list of foods be removed from the menu plan, but solid food will be completely renounced. There is only smoothies and Soups – and nothing solid to chew and digest. This shuts down the intestinal activity, so that feeling of hunger disappears.
The detox cure is the more pleasant way to detoxify your body
Anyone who compares both variants comes to the conclusion that therapeutic fasting, like a detox cure, can mean doing without solid food. Sport and relaxation exercises as well as time to reflect on yourself and your body are similar for both detoxification variants. Detox seems the bottom line tastier option to be fasting for healing.
Detox smoothies and Detox soups are put together in such a way that the diet as part of a detox cure is not one-sided and also does not become boring. A detox cure can also be integrated into everyday life and is more variable in terms of time. It seems like she is Detox cure the modern form of therapeutic fasting, which is tastier and more flexible and still takes into account the basic human need to break away from the poison of everyday life zu to free and detoxify the overly acidic body.
The detox cure is the modern and more pleasant form of therapeutic fasting - more flexible in terms of time and can be integrated into everyday life
Detox juice cure
The juice cleanse is already prepackaged juices. A popular cure, for example, is that of the Munich company “Detox Light”. These are cold-pressed juices, for which largely uncooked fresh fruit and vegetables are used. the Juices are freshly squeezed and shipped several times a week, as the juices can only be kept for a few days.
The company offers a variety of packages. The basic package consists of a lemonade, 4 fruit and vegetable juices and a nut milk. You can order yours with just one day's advance notice Put together almost any detox cure. In one order, however, you will receive your juice supply for a maximum of three days. In order to guarantee the greatest possible freshness, the juices for the following days are sent in the following days.
The juices from “frank juice” are marketed according to a very similar principle. You can even get a subscription here. Again, these are cold-pressed fruit and vegetable juices that are only produced to order.
Anyone who decides on a detox juice cure should do so a few days before the actual start abstain from alcohol, nicotine and coffee. Sugar and finished products should also be avoided as much as possible.
Detox cure according to Dr. Yu
The Detox cure according to Dr. Yu became original developed for people suffering from severe poisoning. For example, for soldiers who were poisoned in the Vietnam War or the Gulf War, or for firefighters and rescue workers who were deployed in the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001. These people ingested asbestos, lead, benzene and other toxic substances through the air. dr Yu developed a therapy in which the participants' toxin levels were far lower at the end of the treatment than they were at the beginning of the treatment. Meanwhile, the therapy Detox according to Dr. Yu but also appealed to the "normal population".
Over the course of our lives, more and more toxins accumulate in the body. This is partly due to the pollution in the environment, but also to our modern lifestyle. Pollutants include drug residues, radiation exposure, nicotine and particulate matter, to name just a few.
If these pollutants remain in our body, this can lead to hormonal imbalances, skin diseases, accelerated aging and mental imbalance. Normally, there are no questionable amounts of pollutants.
The detox cure according to Dr. Yu is designed for four weeks and is made up of building blocks.
- Niacin (BXNUMX)
- exercise
- Sauna
- bentonite
- Fast
dr Yu assumes that most toxins are fat-soluble and can be excreted through the skin.
Niacin can break down fat cells. If the fat cells are open, they let out the fat and with it the fat-soluble toxins. A high dose of niacin can speed up this process. However, a high niacin dose leads to a so-called niacin flush. The blood circulation is stimulated, the vessels enlarge and histamines are released. If there is a niacin flush, this can manifest itself in itching, hot flashes and an increased heart rate. However, health damage is not to be expected. To avoid these symptoms, start with a dose of 200mg and slowly increase it.
About 15 minutes after taking the niacin, you should exercise and move for 20 to 30 minutes. It doesn't matter whether you go jogging, walking, playing football or tennis. The main thing is that you are on the move, because the toxins can be released better that way.
After exercise, you should go to the sauna. An infrared sauna is ideal, because you can stay longer in it. In the first few days you can start with twice a day for five minutes and then slowly increase it. Ideally, you should stay there for about 40 minutes and sweat out the toxins. Patients who find 40 minutes at a time too long can split the sauna session into 2×20 minutes.
Bentonite is taken with water after the sauna session. Bentonite is a binding agent that is supposed to help eliminate the toxins that remain in the body through the intestines. Alternatively, activated carbon or zeolite can also be used. A tablespoon of bentonite should be drunk with half a liter of water. In this way, the loss of water from the sauna session can be compensated for at the same time.
In order for the body to recover from the previous detoxification processes, it is recommended to abstain from food for the next six hours. Then light food should be eaten. Soups and smoothies are good for this. They should contain as many vitamins, minerals and trace elements as possible.