Better concentration through autogenic training?

autogenic training

In the autogenic training it is one in Germany meanwhile common relaxation technique. However, learning autogenic training is not quite as easy as progressive muscle relaxation. It's almost like one type of self-hypnosis, in which the breath, the pulse and the blood circulation are brought to a resting state. So if you complete autogenic training, you can switch off and relax. With natural concentrators the effect of autogenic training can even be increased.

  • Can you also increase concentration with autogenic training?
  • Are the exercises suitable for poor concentration? 
  • Autogenic training often promises relaxation and easier falling asleep – what is the truth behind this assumption?

What exactly autogenic training is, how you can learn autogenic training, where the advantages and limitations are, is explained in detail below.

What exactly is autogenic training?

In autogenic training, only the power of thought used for rest and relaxation. Through the thoughts alone, the body is completely adjusted to relaxation. Was developed this method by a neurologist named Schultz in the 30s. the Effectiveness By the way, autogenic training has been proven in various studies and meanwhile the training is used in Germany as well as in Austria psychotherapeutic measure accepted.

Autogenic Training: Relaxation in stressful times

Relaxation techniques there are many: yoga, progressive muscle relaxation, Meditation – these are just a few of them that promise total relaxation. In fact, more balance and relaxation can be achieved in everyday life with autogenic training. In times when every third German Burnout endangered, in which life is becoming ever more fast-paced and the obligations of family, work and housework threaten to overwhelm many people autogenic training represent a tried and tested means to recover more inner peace get. the Roots of autogenic training lie in hypnosis: the goal is to achieve a special depth of relaxation, which has a positive effect on both the body and the mind.

Autogenic training: falling asleep made easy?

Relaxation exercises such as autogenic training can help with sleep problems

Many people nowadays have Problems falling and staying asleep. There is one restful sleep so important to be able to perform at your best during the day. Nevertheless, almost every third German is more or less affected by sleep problems. So it makes sense to try autogenic training to help you fall asleep. Since the body is completely relaxed and switched to the back burner, this state is exactly the best prerequisite for a deep and restful sleep.

How does autogenic training work?

Means autogenic training Fall asleep and relax at the touch of a button? Not quite. The power of thought alone makes it possible to calm the circulation and create a clear head during autogenic training. That's why it can Autogenic training also for depression or anxiety prove helpful.

By concentrating on individual parts of the body, the practitioner achieves that positively influences the vegetative nervous system becomes. The basis is always a process of autosuggestion. The practitioner uses formulaic idioms that help the subconscious to ultimately believe in it.

How can you learn autogenic training?

You can learn autogenic training for yourself alone at home or else in the group under expert guidance. The latter is clearly the better option. It is with so-called self-suggestions began. For example, the practitioner keeps saying to himself: "My right arm is getting heavy". After a while you will be amazed to find that this is exactly what happens: the arm gets heavier and heavier, almost as if it were sinking through the floor. In reality, however, it is rather the case that the muscles relax and thus lie on the surface with more surface area.

There are more to come autogenic training exercises for heat development in the body parts. If you want to learn autogenic training, you have several options at home with the help of a learning video, an app or a CD or in special relaxation courses offered by health insurance companies. Trained doctors and psychologists also offer some autogenic training for relaxation, just like there are courses at adult education centers or similar educational institutions.

Autogenic training: the benefits

The Benefits of autogenic training are obvious. You can use it pretty easily and effectively reduce stress, overcome fears and counteract depression. It's not that easy to learn, but it is anywhere possible. Autogenic training doesn't cost anything because you only need yourself and a bit of rest. Furthermore, it can lack of concentration help, because you reflect on yourself and focus on yourself during the exercises.

Autogenic training: exercises to do at home

The Prerequisite for autogenic training at home is a simple pad on which the exercises can be carried out. A calm posture is important so that the muscles can relax completely. The first exercise is usually the introductory one rest exercise, whereupon the heavy exercise and then the heat exercise he follows. Also important are:

  • breathing exercises
  • heart exercises
  • Solar Plexus Exercises
  • Finish the head exercise

Autogenic training: exercises for poor concentration?

braineffect focus
The concentration booster BRAINEFFECT FOCUS is an effective addition to autogenic training

Actually, autogenic training is supposed to achieve maximum relaxation. Can you also use them? Increase concentration, quite similar to meditation? yes you can Autogenic training can therefore have a supportive effect on poor concentration and can be combined with other concentration exercises.

The last exercise in particular, the so-called head exercise, ensures that the head remains clear and cool. This will help stay awake and improve concentration.

This concentration-enhancing effect can be enhanced, if the autogenic training in combination with a nootropic. The natural concentration booster contains, among other things Guarana, Ginseng and vitamin B12, which have a positive effect on our ability to concentrate.

Autogenic training: User experiences

Anyone who has never had experience with autogenic training usually has to overcome first and especially on the indulge in total relaxation. That is not always easy. However, every person is different. While some get along well with autogenic training and benefit from the relaxing effect, others are better off with progressive muscle relaxation. What the best and most effective relaxation method is, everyone has to find out for themselves personally and individually.

Autogenic training: don't forget to take it back!

The so-called withdrawal should be an integral part of every session. This means that after completing the heavy and heat exercises, the exerciser can do the gain conscious control over your body got to. Otherwise it might be difficult to find your way back into everyday life. There is one exception, however, where on the withdrawal can be dispensed with: if the autogenic training should help to fall asleep. Because then it falls asleep all the better.

And finally ...

Autogenic training is ideal for relaxing and falling asleep. However, it is not easy to learn, so it is advisable to join a group. Autogenic training can be just as effective when it comes to improving concentration. In combination with a natural concentration agent such as BRAIN EFFECT FOCUS* very good results can be achieved, especially with concentration difficulties, and without any annoying side effects.

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