Tips and tricks for a relaxing massage


A good massage can relieve tension and provide a little relaxation when you need to switch off from everyday life. A back massage relaxes the muscles. A massage is particularly beneficial in many situations.

If you want to do something good for your muscles after exercising, relieve stress or just want to relax, a massage can work wonders. We will tell you what is important for a good massage and give you valuable tips and tricks all about back massages.

What does a classic massage do?

have a massage a wide sphere of action, because only a few forms of therapy penetrate from the skin surface to the depths of the organ suspensions. The right movements ensure relaxed muscles and increased blood circulation. In addition, congestion in the cell tissue and the lymphatic area is eliminated and adhesions in scar tissue are loosened.

A massage can for acute and chronic complaints produce an analgesic effect. Since most patients only notice a break in the constant pain with a massage, another is another Treatment of exercise therapies only possible. The skin contact, the metabolic stimulation and the relaxation also improve the mental state of the patient.

The basics for a relaxing massage

An Massage Munich promises successful back massages, because techniques are used that ensure well-being, relaxation and healing. The effleurage is the gentlest massage technique. With this technique, the hands are merely stroked over the patient's body.

This technique is particularly suitable for the beginning of a massage, because the patient can completely relax with this form. Kneading the skin is called petrissage. The Petrissage is a very simple technique with great effect.

With this technique, all you have to do is gently rub the skin between your fingers and hands or apply pressure from above. How to press gently against the underlying bones and tendons and massage the muscles and tissues just under the skin. Perform circular movements with the friction.

To do this, rub your palms or fingertips in a circular motion over the patient's skin, massaging it so that you create a relaxing friction. Do you want more tension and loosen tight muscles, the technique Tapotement can also help. With this technique, you gently tap the areas to be treated.

But the vibration can also relieve tension and hardened muscles. To do this, place your hands on the patient's skin and begin to move them back and forth in quick movements. Practice this technique preferably without pressure .

Course of the classic massage

With the classic massage you have to concentrate on the region where the complaints are present. The treatment begins with gentle strokes so that you get a first impression of the tissue. This step is particularly important because it is the only way you can adjust the intensity of the grips accordingly.

You can reach the deeper tissue layers by stroking, kneading, rubbing, tapping and vibrating. In addition, with a medical massage too communication with the patient is very important. Accordingly, the discussion with the patient should include a complete medical history.

In addition, further recommendations for additional movement exercises should be added after the massage in order to avoid possible incorrect stress at work or in sports in the future. One classic massage can help with a number of diseases. A massage is useful, for example, for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, arthroses and rheumatic diseases, diseases of the respiratory tract such as asthma, skin diseases, neurological disorders or psychosomatic disorders.

However, some diseases speak against a massage. In the case of thrombosis or acute feverish infections, you should therefore avoid a massage.

massage lymphatic drainage

Are the costs of a massage covered by health insurance?

In order for the health insurance company to cover the costs of a massage, there must be a physical ailment. Only physical suffering can justify massage treatment. This means pain or functional impairments in the muscles or skeleton that cannot be easily remedied.

For the The remedy catalog sees a maximum of ten massages for first aid in. These ten massages are divided into two recipes. If the pain is particularly severe, the doctor can prescribe ten more massages.

However, you must yourself adjust to a co-payment on the prescription. A prior clarification with your health insurance company makes sense.

These mistakes should be avoided during a back massage

In order for a massage to be really relaxing, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. During a massage should never be pressed too hard. The strong pressure can not only cause pain, but also cramps and additional tension.

Always start as gently as possible and increase the pressure slowly. It can often help to ask the patient if the massage is comfortable or if the pressure should be increased in certain areas. You should never do without massage oil. The dry friction between your skin and that of the patient can quickly become uncomfortable and, in the worst case, even painful.

Use rose or almond oil for the treatment. If you don't have these two oils on hand, any other vegetable oil can be used for a massage. Avoid massaging directly on the spine or other bones.

If you put pressure on the spine or other bones, it can be very uncomfortable or even painful for the patient. Likewise you should be extremely careful in the kidney area and massage without pressure. If your patient has severe pain, dislocations or acute back problems, you should refrain from a massage.

In this case, the patient should hire trained physiotherapists. Even during pregnancy, if the patient has cardiovascular disease or there is a risk of thrombosis, you should not perform a massage.

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