Furnishing ideas ∙ Feel good with the right furnishings

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The decorating style your own home says as much about you as your clothes or your social environment. Of course, furnishing your own four walls also contributes a lot personal well-being at. We'll show you 4 things to considerto set up your apartment in such a way that you really feel comfortable in it.

The right furnishing style

Whether it’s after a move, for a new phase of life or if you just feel like redecorating – before you spend your time scrolling through Pinterest for hours or looking at “Roomporn” on Instagram, you should be aware of which one Furnishing style suits you. Because no matter how beautiful a certain furnishing style may be, if it doesn't suit you, you won't feel comfortable in your own four walls either.

So think carefully which furnishing style you feel most comfortable with. Do you prefer it cozy or like something out of a glossy magazine? Do you need plants to feel good? How about furnishing your home with wood? Do you need a lot or do you prefer to live minimalist? Your interior says a lot about you, so think about it beforehand.

Clear room separation

neat space bedroom

The bedroom is for sleeping, the living room for relaxing, reading or watching TV, you only eat in the dining room and maybe you also have a room for your own small office. Of course, not everyone has enough rooms in their home to give each room its own function. Here it can help, similar combine functions in one room. For example, the bedroom can also be a retreat with a desk and books at the same time - but in no case a storage room with all sorts of things lying around.

Make yourself aware of the function or functions a room should have. Of course, personal preferences also play a role here. Yet Room separation brings order. And not only in your own four walls, but also in your head - that increases your well-being enormously!

Less is more - feel more comfortable with minimalism

Cow The average European has 10.000 things in his possession. From clothes, bags, shoes and jewellery, books and CDs to accumulated decorations and souvenirs from the holiday. Much of it gathers dust on our shelves without being used. Hardly anyone knows by heart what they own. Having a lot doesn't necessarily make you happier - on the contrary. After all, who doesn't regularly feel stressed when you open your closet in the morning and don't know what to wear despite the many things?

Minimalism means concentrating on the essentials and consciously few thingscherish what you have. minimalism means letting go of things. And that is what is so difficult for many people. But with a little rethinking, you too can live (more) minimalistically. 

what do you really need

Think of a typical week, or a typical day. What things do you use frequently and what things make you happy? You don't need things that you've had on the shelf or in the closet for ages. If you haven't missed her until now, then you will continue to do so in the future. Admittedly, the inhibition threshold is still quite high at the beginning. But if you the most uncomfortable – such as radically clearing out your closet – do first, the rest will be easier for you.

You can then sell, give away or donate the things you have cleared out. So nothing ends up in the bin and someone else is happy about it. You will see, the less you own, the more you will find more space for yourself, for your own thoughts and for the important things in life.

The right decoration

deco living room plants minimalism

How important a appropriate furnishing style is, we have already clarified. This includes the appropriate decoration. Gone are the days of porcelain cats, fridge magnets and odds and ends that have accumulated over the years (unless you like it, of course). Decorating your home isn't just about putting things somewhere. They should complement your furnishing style and (if possible) also have a function.

There are many furnishing ideas and furnishing examples. The trend is towards nature. Increasingly popular one minimalist style, lots of plants and furnishing ideas with wood. Especially the latter can be implemented in all possible variations. Whether a bed made of pallets, a solid wooden table or a wooden shelf in a rustic or Nordic style - furnishing the apartment with wood brings nature and cosiness into your four walls. This increases well-being.


The right interior design is important to feel comfortable in your own four walls. In order to increase well-being with the right furnishings, a suitable furnishing style and a clear room separation helpful. Likewise can Minimalism increase general well-being – those who have less learn to appreciate their possessions more, are less stressed and have time for the essentials in life. minimalism and that Decorate your own home are not mutually exclusive. Deliberate elements support your own furnishing style. Especially Furnishing examples with wood, such as a bed made of pallets or a beautiful wooden shelf, can help to increase well-being through the furnishings in your own four walls.

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