Weight loss tips and weight loss tricks

healthy lifestyle vegetables woman

In this article you will be told many little things about losing weight. This Tips and Tricks are synonymous with the many little things that often forgotten in the hustle and bustle of dieting. To revisit the basics of dieting: calorie deficit, healthy eating, reducing sugar consumption & incorporating exercise. If you take these things to heart, then you are on the right path. But we focus on the more specific things.

Weight loss tip #1: Cut down on calories with drinks!

In fact, people underestimate it Calorie and thus sugar content of many drinks. Even the supposedly isotonic sports drink contains in many cases - sugar; and this in sometimes significant quantities, if you do not choose the light variants.

Since the need for liquids increases with sporting activities, two to three medium to large bottles are easily lost. If these mainly contain sugar, the success of the diet is at risk. So give preference to it plenty of water and tea and coffee. Due to their other ingredients, tea and coffee even have the advantage that Stimulate metabolism and the increase performance to be able to.

Weight loss tip #2: Better to train briefly and highly effectively!

pilates women class train effectively

Do you supplement your diet with physical activity? If yes, then that is very reasonable since you are so burn more calories and do your general health a lot of good. If you don't already have exercise in your diet, then it's a good idea to include an activity of your choice. But if you do it, then always do it right: say goodbye to all the people who do their compulsory program with light weights for an hour and a half!

take instead prefer short training sessions targeted, like 1-2 Pilates workout videosthat you for it to the limits of your performance let go. This is how the body adapts to the increased level, which is expressed, among other things, in higher calorie consumption to promote the diet.

Weight loss tip #3: Set realistic goals!

Even the most talented or capable people have suffered major defeats here and there. They overreached themselves in their ambitions and suffered losses as a result. Lack of patience and too much ambition are also great when dieting Risk factors. Do better by setting realistic goals:

  • Compare with other people in your weight class how long it took them to lose weight on the planned scale!
  • Check what is possible in your health condition and with the planned activity level (with or without sport?)!
  • It is best to divide your goal into stages so that you can always see the progress you have made!

So come at last realistic and clearly formulated goals out that prevent you from failing because of too high ambitions. Also we would like Anspurner.de don't disregard. Here you set yourself a goal and a certain amount of money (optional). If the goal is not reached, the money will be donated. It's worth trying.

Weight loss tip #4: Prepare healthy food for time bottlenecks!

cooking kitchen

As life goes, things don't always go according to plan. In addition, a problem rarely comes alone. If the problem is that there is no time to eat or to prepare food, people often tend to make the "exception": "Since I didn't have time to eat and prepare food, Today, for once, there will be a pizza at the pizzeria across from the office.”

The exception usually leads to temptation. Temptation complicates the diet and leaves possibly relapsed will. Ideally, you should pre-cook healthy meals to prevent this from happening. For example, if you're already preparing a curry rice, why not make a large batch?

Especially if you have stressful days ahead of you and can already estimate that time will be tight, preparing the meal is a must. That's how you stay Derailments from the diet saved and you benefit from one lower level of stress.

Weight loss tip #5: Planning is your trump card!

A pair of well-planned everyday life simplifies things. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't leave room for spontaneous activities. You can add an additional two hours to your daily schedule for spontaneous activities. But other than that, it's important to have a clear idea of ​​what's coming and when - even the day before! Hence following tips:

  • Plan ahead every week or at least every day!
  • Don't use apps, but do it by handwriting, because the brain works more intensively here!
  • Keep a precise record of the periods of time or times during which you are active!
  • Schedule generously and leave room for incidents that unexpectedly take time!

If you are now wondering what this has to do with nutrition and losing weight: Any kind of plan and structured approach promotes the achievement of your goals. Just try it out in the evening, sit down for a quarter of an hour with a pad and a pen and plan the next day in detail. you will notice that everything much more structured and clearer expires, so you Achieving your goals greatly simplified will be. The diet will benefit!

Five more weight loss tips and weight loss tricks for success

slim happy satisfied woman

On top of the five tips presented in detail, we add five more – all of which are easy to understand and for your own good!

  1. Lower the room temperature as the body burns calories to keep itself warm!
  2. Love yourself because a positive self-image increases your happiness and gives you strength to continue your diet!
  3. Vary your sports regularly or at least try a new sport for a week or two in between to set new stimuli!
  4. Take your time eating, because that way you'll get the feeling of fullness before you've consumed too many calories!
  5. Make challenges with others so that you push each other to reach your goals!

Conclusion: Many little things contribute to a functioning overall package!

Ultimately, the ten tips and tricks illustrate to lose weight only what should already be known from work, school, private life and every other area of ​​life: In order to be convincing overall, it is rarely enough to stick to the big picture. It's more convincing, too many details, which are hidden behind an overall package.

A diet that, in addition to staring at a calorie deficit, also takes a look at the many details and a general overall order in life is much more successful than crash diets or supposed diets miracle Cure, which are advertised in abundance. You have the tips and tricks for a well thought-out diet. But do you put them into practice?

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