The body's disease mechanisms

sick girl fever
sick girl fever

For the last century, conventional medicine has been convinced that the most common cause of disease is biological organisms, such as viruses, fungi, bacteria, protozoa or parasites. The developing medicine was very successful in the fight against tuberculosis, cholera and other diseases caused by pathogens and so the thesis persisted.

In the last 100 years or so, there has come a realization that some diseases are clearly not caused by pathogenic organisms.

Instead there is in the common medical conception of the following factors that causally cause a disease:

  • Biological Organisms
  • Genetic predisposition through inheritance
  • Side effects of aging (degenerative diseases)
  • Malfunctions of the immune system (autoimmune diseases)
  • abnormal growth
  • inflammatory processes
  • Physical or chemical agents (such as extreme heat or cold, radiation, or chemicals)
  • Malnutrition

Arguments against common medical ideas

Genetic Inheritance

Generic predisposition is certainly one factor on diseases and on the robustness of a person, however, even genetically determined diseases respond to, for example, detoxification treatments. So it's not the case that genetic predispositions cause the disease in every case, according to the theory of alternative medicine.

degenerative diseases

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Some degenerative diseases and disorders are explained with aging that cannot be controlled with standard medical procedures, including osteoporosis, joint wear and tear, cartilage calcification, impairment of bladder function or respiratory muscles, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, decrease in vision, declining light transmission of the eye lens (cataracts), declining sense of hearing, smell and taste, memory loss and also senility.

In fact, these types of diseases used to be expected in people's 60's or 70's, now they appear in people in their 30's or 40's. This "Natural" disorders occur in healthy bodies aber auch not to old age.

Epidemiological comparative studies clearly prove that as soon as people from the third world, where degenerative diseases are rare, adopt western lifestyles (eg through increased wealth), the probability of degenerative diseases increases sharply.

This could be proof that environmental influences, including diet, have a strong influence on the probability of diseases of old age. Likewise, for example, the incidence of prostate cancer in men between the ages of 40 and 60 has increased in Western men. The Journal of the National Cancer Institute commented on the increasing incidence that possibly animal protein may contribute to the development of prostate cancer.

Example: cancer

Cancer is considered to be one of the worst degenerative diseases known to mankind. In the industrialized countries one resorts to the conventional medicine back. Which usually tries to surgically remove the cancer in addition to the radiation method. However, the last method is invariably referred to as “the last resort”. Although these methods take the pain away from the patient and at best eliminate the cancer itself, the cancer is only the symptom. the The causes of the cancer are not treated. As is well known, this is not the approach of conventional medicine.

Another way to heal the causes of cancer and other degenerative diseases is to allow the body to heal itself to heal yourself. Not to burden him with operations, drugs or radiation, but to give him the opportunity to heal himself. One can use the self-healing powers of the body various measures. That is the theory of alternative medicine.

Example: cataracts

According to statistics, almost half of all older people between the ages of 75 and 85 suffer from cataracts, a yellowish clouding of the lens of the eye. In fact, cataract surgery is the most commonly performed surgery in the world for people over the age of 65.

In its 1993 issue, the Journal of the American Optometric Association wrote that the cause of cataracts could be human malnutrition:

It is possible that the damage could be prevented or mitigated by supplementing the diet with certain antioxidant vitamins and minerals that bolster the body's natural defenses against free radicalsJournal of the American Optometric Association, 1993

Latest findings on the causes of diseases

Medication only as a symptom killer


drugs According to statements made by natural medicine, conventional medicine is “nothing more than (toxic) chemicals that are administered to the body and almost without exception have side effects”. As long as the main effect outweighs the side effects, a drug is still considered “helpful” nowadays to fight diseases.

However, according to alternative medicine, medicines usually only help To alleviate symptoms and not to cure the causes of diseasesto prevent the disease from recurring.

Excessive stress as another reason for illness

It has also been observed in various studies that excessive stress the immune system very demanding and could even lead to a breakdown. The activation of healing processes in physical injuries such as broken bones, pulled muscles, etc. is just as stressful for the immune system as emotional trauma or mental and emotional exhaustion.

Conclusion and modern healing approach

According to the latest findings in alternative medicine, the main causes of almost all diseases are:

  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Accumulation of toxins
  • excessive stress

If nutritional deficiencies, internal toxicity and excessive stress are identified as the main triggers of many diseases, according to alternative medicine, the modern approach to healing be appropriate to influence precisely these factors, namely with:

  • dietary changes for the inclusion of important, not processed nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, phytochemicals, etc.
  • detoxification eg by fasting or detox cures
  • Reduction of the physical and mental stress
The best doctor is the one who knows that most medicines are useless.Benjamin Franklin

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