Enlarged prostate: effects, cause and treatment

enlarged prostate

Men often suffer from an enlarged prostate, especially in old age, but they can be affected from the age of 30. This article explains what effects this has on you and how an enlarged prostate can be treated.

The treatment methods for an enlarged prostate

An enlarged prostate is uncomfortable for many men and can even cause pain. After all, frequent urination and pain and problems with urination are the reasons why patients finally decide to have their prostate enlargement treated. There are various possibilities.

Surgical treatment of prostate enlargement

In the case of an enlarged prostate, the prostate is usually excised. In the process, also known as bipolar transurethral resection, tissue is removed with a high-frequency snare. This is done using an endoscope that is inserted through the urethra. The process not only removes tissue, but also scabs over the wound surface.

In the meantime, however, there are also minimally invasive procedures for an enlarged prostate, such as those described by the HoLEP Clinic Germany be performed. The tissue is removed with a laser, which entails fewer risks and prevents side effects – after all, it stands man's health and well-being comes first.

Embolization for enlarged prostate

Instead of removing the tissue, you can shrink it. The process is called "embolization" and is performed by a radiologist. A catheter is passed through the inguinal artery to the arteries of the prostate. The radiologist now inserts small plastic beads into the vessels under X-ray control. These inhibit the blood supply to the glandular tissue, causing the prostate to slowly shrink. Of course, the result of this method is not immediately noticeable, but over time it brings great relief.

However, such an operation should only be carried out by an absolute professional. Because a wrong injection can lead to other blood vessels clogging - for example in the intestine. You should therefore monitor your own body closely after the procedure in order to prevent serious complications. In addition, you are exposed to high levels of X-ray radiation during the procedure, which should also be considered.

Drugs for prostate enlargement

If you are afraid of an operation and would like to try medication first, you also have the option of doing so. So-called alpha blockers are used. They relax the tissue of the prostate and the urethra. However, drugs cannot reduce the tissue, so that despite taking alpha blockers, surgery may become necessary sooner or later.

While alpha-blockers are effective for mildly enlarged prostates, 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors are used for severely enlarged prostates. They can reduce the tissue because they reduce the effect of hormones on the prostate. Combined with relaxation drugs, these drugs have already helped many patients get over their symptoms.

Natural remedies for slightly enlarged prostate

If an enlarged prostate is detected early, natural remedies can also help. Patients can take preparations made from nettle root, saw palmetto fruit, and pumpkin seeds. These remedies are available without a prescription and relieve minor discomfort.

If you are also struggling with an increased urge to urinate, you should try bladder training. You try to hold out the urge for as long as possible and only go to the toilet later. To prevent incontinence, try pelvic floor exercises.

Cause of an enlarged prostate

Statistics show that the benign proliferation of prostate cells begins after the age of 30 and continues to increase thereafter. In Europe are about 40% of all men between the ages of 40 and 49 and affects around 90% of all men aged 80 to 89. Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) is also used when the cells multiply benignly. This does not necessarily have to lead to complaints. But how does an enlarged prostate develop?

It used to be assumed that the prostate enlargement was mainly caused by diseases such as gout, bladder irritation, venereal diseases or colds. Frequent sitting or riding were also mentioned as causes. Although many of these supposed triggers can be ruled out, the actual cause is still unclear.

What has been found, however, is that hormones play an important role in the formation of prostate tissue. It is assumed that androgens, together with estrogens, cause cells to multiply. This makes sense, too, because the older a man gets, the lower his androgen blood levels become. Estrogens, on the other hand, multiply.

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