Osteopathy: This is what the gentle healing method does


You should, especially as you get older pay more attention to your own health. If you have been physically active for a day and then complain about pain, that is already an indication that the person concerned needs to do more. However, increasing stress factors such as working from home or a steadily increasing stress level at work can also play a role in the decline in your mental and physical condition.

Due to the changed working conditions in recent years, more and more professionals are looking for a job Osteopathy in Munich or another city. Osteopathy works completely without injections and medication helps with various ailments. We will tell you what the gentle healing method does.

The principle of osteopathy

The principle of osteopathy is relatively easy. Man stays healthy as long as he can move. However, one understands in osteopathy much more than just cycling or go for a walk.

Because: Every part of the body needs sufficient movement. The internal organs, the blood vessels and the tissue must also be included. Osteopathy, if done correctly, can help with various disorders and diseases.

The The focus in osteopathy is clearly on the fascia. Fascia is a thin layer of connective tissue that surrounds and connects every structure in the body. For this reason, it often happens that the cause of the symptoms is often in a completely different part of the body than the pain.

This is what osteopathy does

If you stay in a cramped position for too long, a permanent pain can result. Osteopaths therefore always ask very carefully when a patient is struggling with inexplicable pain. Has the patient ever had an accident or is there a painful inflammation in a part of the body?

Occurred pain with certain movements for a longer period of time on? Little by little, attempts are being made in osteopathy to look for the cause. This is the only way to find the connections between apparently independent structures.

Disturbances in internal organs are reported to the spinal cord via nerve tracts, which can cause pain in the lower back. The pain often persists, although the organ has already healed. Accordingly, one could not then come up with the idea that one has anything to do with the other.

If the affected area or part of the body is not treated properly, the pain will come back after a short time. After all, not only the back has to be treated, but also the surrounding tissue of the damaged organ. It is not always easy to identify the affected organ.

Because of this, you must accept an initially unfamiliar treatment. In osteopathy, targeted pressure is applied to the skull bones. In addition, gentle rotary movements of the head are made.

These treatments should resolve the hardening and restore the mobility of the tissue of an internal organ. In order to achieve an effect of the healing method, however, you have to be patient. After all, the therapy should activate the self-healing powers and that needs enough time.

Osteopathy: These are the ways to healing

Osteopathy assumes that the human body consists of control circuits that influence each other. On the one hand there is the musculoskeletal system, on the other hand the internal organs, the skull, the spine and the sacrum with cerebrospinal fluid. For a cure should always these Methods parts are applied in context.

The structural osteopathy works on cramped muscles and aching joints. All problems of the musculoskeletal system are treated in structural osteopathy. In this way, even tension can be quickly relieved with careful movements.

For disorders of the internal organs visceral osteopathy can help. Special hand movements are carried out on the body surface in order to loosen cramps in the tissue around the organs. However, only very few doctors are proficient in this treatment.

For allergies, migraines, ringing in the ears or hyperactivity Cranio-sacral therapy is said to help children. This therapy requires certain knowledge. In osteopathy, it is assumed that the body's own fluid, which surrounds the brain and spinal cord, regularly flows in and out.

However, hardening can lead to that the Supply and discharge of the liquid is disturbed. Slight pressure on the head and spine can already help to remedy the diseases just mentioned.

Introduce movement into everyday life

Many people suffer from tension, which causes problems in the back and neck as well as in the shoulders and arms. However can most complaints can be prevented or reduced by targeted movements. Nowadays you don't have to get in the car and spend a lot of money on expensive fitness classes.

After all, the Internet offers many options, so all you have to do is roll out your exercise mat. If tension already exists, A number of proven home remedies can help. Take a hot bath, book one massage or put the good old cherry pit pillow on the aching parts of your body.

However, you should make sure that you move anyway. Otherwise, you will quickly fall back into your usual protective posture, which, however, has a counterproductive effect. If the symptoms get worse, then do not hesitate and consult a doctor or an osteopath.

Stress is often the trigger for many of the problems that people face. Stress can overwhelm the human body in many ways and thus be responsible for tension and pain. For this reason, it is extremely important to take a little care of yourself.

Take regular breaks from stressful everyday life. It doesn't always have to be a vacation. Even a quiet end of the day with a good book and delicious food can be helpful in letting a little stress out of your body.

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