Sagging skin – not only in old age

skin sagging arm woman

Sagging skin, wrinkling and changes in the connective tissue are a problem for many people. Not only with increasing age does the skin sag. Men and women of all ages can suffer from weak tissues in the upper layers of the skin, which can be seen as dimpling and stiffening.

Optical signs are longitudinal stripes, which are clearly visible on the skin. These strips are also called Stretch marks known and occur in weak skin layers due to excessive expansion of the skin. This is a visual problem for many and they are looking for solutions on how to Get rid of stretch marks can.

Fluctuations in weight make the skin saggy

Kick particularly often Signs of connective tissue weakness after significant weight gain and subsequent weight loss. This can happen, for example, as a result of pregnancy in women or diets and illnesses that cause weight to fluctuate greatly. There are now very good ones creams and treatments, which can improve the appearance of the skin.

Healthy diet, special ointments, derma roller and massages of the skin areas are good approaches. However, it is not enough to only endure two or three applications. You need a certain regularity of treatments and perseverance, so that there is also visual success.

A healthy diet helps the skin

sagging skin woman drinks water

Who notices that skin is no longer so taut or dents on the thighs, stomach and buttocks, a healthy diet can also do something good for the skin and connective tissue. Since sufficient liquid is always an issue with wrinkles and slackening of the skin, it is important to ensure that you drink enough. You often succumb to it Wrong, drink less reduces the weight and the dents and folds of the skin become better.

Exactly the opposite is the case. The skin cells need enough liquid, to have a specific cell pressure. Right here it is tightening effect by drinking enough fluids. That's why a lot of juicy fruit, such as melon or mango, is good for the skin, especially in summer. Greasy food is not good for everything, but you shouldn't go on extreme diets, no matter what the advertisements sometimes promise. A little bit of everything and the right amount is also a good recipe for healthy skin.

Improvement of the skin: Massage does not have to be expensive

Many things in life are pure habit and so it is with our everyday habits. If you notice sagging skin and a weakening of tissue on your body, there are a few simple tips that can improve things. All things that are expensive and complicated, we humans don't like to keep going in the long run.

Therefore one should follow Tip heed. Build useful things like a massage into your everyday life. It does not work? Go then! Nothing is easier than taking a rough shower every day Massage Glove used to massage the skin.

Nurturing gels and firming creams as additional help for the tissue

skin sagging glove skin massage

It is simple, costs little money and often brings visible success after a few weeks. By using a glove that has an extra coarse structure on the surface, the skin becomes better supplied with blood. This in turn ensures a better supply of the skin layers, blood and oxygen. Old skin cells are removed and the sagging skin tissue can tighten up bit by bit.

Of course, it's clear that this doesn't happen overnight, but if you incorporate it into your daily body care routine, then it's over 4-6 Weeks as natural as brushing your teeth every day. If you want a good cream or a firming gel not only does something good for his tissue, but also cares for his inner life. This combination also helps a lot to better understand each other with their small visual flaws.

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