Healthy sleep - More performance through regular sleep?


The thing about sleep could be so simple: go to bed at night when you are tired, fall asleep quickly and wake up completely refreshed the next morning. A healthy one sleep rhythm or deep sleep is unfortunately not granted to everyone. More and more people suffer from sleep disorders: you fall asleep badly and cannot sleep through the night. Even a light sleep can be a hindrance to a restful night.

But why is it that so many people have such a hard time with the most natural thing in the world? Good sleep is a basic need, and those who suffer from sleep deprivation risk it problems with the Concentration, Performance degradation and health problems.

So what is a healthy sleep pattern? How can you positively influence sleep? Healthy sleep – how long should it last? What role does the bed play? Healthy sleep – which ones phases is there?

Another topic that occupies many: Healthy sleep - tips and tricks on how the night can be more restful and which ones natural sleep aids for insomnia to be able to help.

Healthy sleep phases: How long should the deep sleep phase be?

Man goes through an average of 5 sleep phases per night (1). By the way, you can see this quite clearly on a healthy sleep diagram. We sleep in a clear rhythm: falling asleep phase, light sleep phase, deep sleep phase and REM sleep. As the name suggests, we sleep particularly well during the deep sleep phase and we recover best during this time.

This phase is the most valuable for physical and mental recovery. the Deep sleep should ideally around 40 minutes be. Incidentally, deep sleep is more dominant at the beginning of the night, while towards the end of the sleeping period the REM phases are more dominant.

When is the best bedtime?

When is actually the best time to go to sleep? Does this even exist, the "healthy sleep time" that is almost perfect for more or less everyone? After all, the people are different, one is a lark, the other an owl, one has the morning shift, the other works into the evening hours. That's why it is difficult to make a general statement here (2).

In addition, even the experts' opinions on this topic differ greatly: one claims that 23 p.m. is the best time, while the other recommends simply finding the ideal time for yourself. This is possible, for example, by subtracting around 7 hours from the time the alarm clock rings.

What is certain is that it is not just the time at which you go to sleep that determines the quality of your sleep. There are many other factors involved in this.

Healthy sleep – how long should it be?

The question “healthy sleep, how long should it last?” cannot be answered unequivocally, as there are different opinions on this as well. The fact is that like so many things in life, the perfect Duration of sleep is very individual. While 5 hours is enough for one person, the other needs 8 to 9 hours of sleep regularly (3). Here, too, there are a number of studies that claim different things: one says that those who sleep long become more intelligent, the next time it says that those who sleep briefly become fat or those who sleep too long are even more tired, etc. In the end, nothing helps : Everyone should for themselves find out for yourselfwhat his proper bedtime is and how much sleep he feels most comfortable with. Healthy sleep Time and duration are different from person to person, that's in the nature of things.

Healthy sleeping rhythm - fight against tiredness

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The caffeine contained in coffee works fairly quickly, after just 15 to 30 minutes

The result of insufficient sleep is undoubtedly that we are unable to concentrate and our performance decreases noticeably. On the other hand, if you have a healthy sleeping rhythm and good sleep, you are fully productive. But what can you do if you get tired during the day? and there is no time to take a short nap, also known as a “power nap”?

For example ventilation. Or walk around the house. Of course, the famous walk to the coffee machine is also one easy wayto relieve the fatigue at least temporarily by using Caffeine expel. Sometimes even one helps to take a short break and take a deep breath to get back to gain strength.

Healthy sleep rhythm - performance and concentration promotion

To the to increase performance and the to promote concentration, it is therefore essential get enough sleep. A healthy sleeping rhythm and deep, good sleep are the basic requirements for being able to perform to the full during the day that is expected of us. So if you get enough rest at night, you have in relation to the Concentration and performance advantages over those who toss and turn at night. lack of sleep, we know that with certainty today, reduces the learning success.

Light Sleep - Natural Sleep Aids

Light sleep can, as well as problems falling asleep or staying asleep, quite distressing be. Anyone who wakes up with every little peep and then finds it difficult to get back to sleep will feel exhausted the next morning. The thought of resorting to sleeping pills now often comes to mind here. However, one should not forget that regular sleep aids, the prescription are, Nebenwirkungen to have. They also have a habituation effect, which can be quite problematic in the long run.

What many do not know: Melatonin (4) is a natural sleep hormone, which regulates our sleep and makes it possible in the first place. Natural sleeping pills, which contain melatonin, are so often more promising and effective than other means.

The ideal bed - what should be considered?

Healthy sleep - bed and mattress are certainly also relevant involved in our sleep quality. No wonder: we spend approx. 1/3 of our lives in bed (5), so it makes perfect sense that both bed and mattress should be chosen with care. Anyone who wakes up feeling exhausted in the morning and doesn't feel recovered at all, and also has back pain, should definitely consider whether a new mattress might be appropriate. This is in connection with the slatted frame namely the Foundation for a healthy sleep.

And finally ...

Healthy sleep – there are plenty of tips for this. So that good sleep is no coincidence, it is important to pay attention to proper sleep hygiene. If you constantly have a sleep deficit, you will have problems with concentration and performance. In addition to the usual herbal remedies such as valerian, gentle but effective sleeping pills are primarily those that contain the sleep hormone melatonin.

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