The body and its nutrients

body child milk

Did you know that our brains are made up of 60% fat?

Therefore, brain fatty acids and protein, as well as certain minerals such as magnesium and zinc are constantly needed for our brain. A good supply supplies here Super Omega 3 and ProBalance as a mineral supplier. If you regularly supply these substances to our body (brain), they are also “built in” with every new cell formation.

Our Brain has to do an unbelievable amount of work and consumes an incredible amount of energy in the process. A fifth of the energythat we burn in the body uses up the brain. It makes up just two percent of our body weight. The brain is the “most expensive” organ in terms of energy consumption per kilogram.

 The brain needs food – deficiency signals are Difficulty concentrating and memory loss. A vitamin B12 deficiency and a lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids (e.g. omega 3) can even cause the brain to shrink. 400 micrograms of vitamin B12 per day we should therefore supply. Contained is vitamin B12 in the liver, Vita Activ as well mind master. And don't forget the omega-3 fatty acids!

The Eyes react sensitively: night blindness can be a first indication vitamin A deficiency be. Vitamin A (retinol) keeps the retina healthy. In its active form, vitamin A is only found in animal foods such as liver, milk, butter and egg yolk, but also (this is certainly known) in carrots, spinach and kale.

The Heart is our most important organ – Potassium and the vitamin B complex decide whether it stays intact or is endangered. B vitamins lower elevated homocysteine ​​levels and are found in meat and eggs. Potassium is needed for muscle contractions. Potassium is found in bananas and vegetables. A comprehensive vitamin B supply is ensured by Vita Activ guaranteed.

The skin is sensitive. Patients with psoriasis or neurodermatitis can often relieve their symptoms with nutrients. So relieves Vitamin D in psoriasis the itching, neurodermatitis can be relieved by taking Zinc mend Positive experiences have been made in this area Aloe vera drinking gel reported.

dietary supplements

Our bones need as Vital substances calcium and vitamin D - these protect against breakage. Bone formation takes place only in the first thirty years of life. A lot of calcium is in dairy products and cheese. Vitamin D is found in salmon, tuna and eggs. Women are particularly affected by a decrease in bone density during and after menopause. LR has special for women Woman PhytoActiv developed. For an optimal mineral supply we recommend Pro Balance. At joint pain we recommend Aloe Vera Freedom Drinking Gel. Aloe Vera Freedom contains a lot of vitamin C, which contributes to a healthy Build-up of cartilage and synovial fluid contributes. As a supplement the Freedom joint capsules.

Muskeln brauchen Magnesium. It prevents cramps and tension. Magnesium regulates the energy metabolism, the vitamin B complex ensures the interaction of muscles and nerves. With Vita Active and ProBalance you are optimally taken care of here.

Our body is not genetically designed for today's rapidly increasing demands?

Evolution takes many thousands of years before the genes can adapt to the new living conditions. Our capacity was then limited to as many hours as it daylight gave. Our brains and bodies are genetically wired for a much simpler life.

Genetically we have one stress system, which was aimed at survival at the time, so to speak “Food + Defense”. Our body can therefore provide a lot of adrenaline in the short term in order to be physically fit.

This power comes from others bodily functions deducted – Both the immune system and digestion are neglected during this time. This explains why we often find ourselves in stressful situations become sick or indigestion to have. Our immune and digestive systems are constantly undersupplied.

Smoking increases oxidative stress

smoking man

... quite massive in our body. With every cigarette we absorb billions of additional free radicals. Even if the cigarette gives us the feeling of in the head short-term relaxation imparted, increases the extremely oxidative stress levels our body.

Antioxidants are stress killers

The higher the stress level, the more antioxidants we need for our body and mind to function capacity to receive and our protect health. Antioxidants are in mind master included.

Vitamins are true all-rounders!

Did you know that for example...

....Vitamin B6 can contribute to the reduction of tiredness and exhaustion?

....pantothenic acid (ie Vitamin B5supports the energy balance?

....Vitamin D contributes to the maintenance of healthy bones ?

.... Vitamin E protects cells from oxidative stress?

100% vitamin supply with 10 important vitamins can be achieved with just 1 teaspoon (5 ml) Vita Active Every day!

Aloe Vera as a booster

The bioavailability of nutrients such as Vitamin E can be increased many times over with aloe vera. Researchers at the University of Scranton (USA) show an improvement in vitamin E Bioavailability by 269% with simultaneous intake of aloe vera.

probiotic bacteria

Did you know that probiotic bacteria are also Bioavailability of vitamins can increase? With Probiotics the body can absorb and process vitamins better. This has been proven in studies. You can support here LR Probiotic12.

Nutrients and Cancer

Can vitamins prevent cancer?

The stars among the vitamins are undoubtedly A, C and E: They are considered strong antioxidants, defuse free radicals and are said to be able to inhibit the development of cancer. Free radicals are caused, among other things, by smoking, UV radiation and stress. This can promote the formation of cancer cells.

Animal experiments showed that the ACE complex can interrupt the development and growth of malignant tumors. Doctors often recommend dietary supplements even if you have cancer. Preclinical studies show that individual antioxidants can reduce the effects of chemotherapy.

Provides helpful protection against oxidative stress mind master – particularly rich in specially coordinated antioxidants combined with micronutrients for an optimal supply of the body cells.

Lose weight healthy with taste!

weight loss

Figuactiv shakes excel in enhancing the body with every serving all important nutrients deliver balanced – but clearly less calories contain!

Do not forget: Remember that every diet leads to hyperacidity of the body and can thus contribute to discomfort. Therefore, prevent with basic minerals, for example: ProBalance

colostrum – natural strengthening of your immune system

Problem: An important role for the human immune system play immune and growth factors. However, their concentration in the body decreases with increasing age after puberty. The immune system thus becomes less efficient.

A solution: colostrum contains immunoglobulins, growth factors and many other valuable natural substances. Numerous studies and investigations show that colostrum can support the human immune system.

The recommendations for use and dosages cannot replace medical advice and do not constitute medical advice! The information is based solely on personal experience or on the experiences of people who have used these products. If statements do not relate to facts, they are not healing statements.

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