Balanced nutrition - improve your performance

balanced nutrition

Rarely have people thought about it more your nutrition than today. Still, the diet, so put it at least Professionals again and again today worse than ever. This probably means that the knowledge about a balanced diet in the menu is obviously available on the one hand, but on the other hand there is usually a lack of implementation.

Add to that the fact that not everyone recommends the same thing when it comes to healthy eating. Opinions differ: ketogenic diet, vegetarian diet, vegan diet, alkaline diet, Paleo diet? There are certainly pros and cons for all of these diets.

How important is a balanced diet?

In any case, one thing is certain balanced and healthy diet much more important than previously thought. You are what you eat, that is truer today than ever, because in times of fast food and convenience foods, very few people manage to eat a balanced diet. That has partly in Fatal consequences in terms of health. Many more illnesses than one might think are simply based on an unhealthy diet.

And since the topics of fitness, weight loss, health and staying young are more in focus than ever, what we eat is of great importance, food is not only pleasure, it provides us with essential nutrients and vitamins.

Smoothies, superfoods, and nootropics are all booming—and rightly so. With a balanced diet not only is it healthy to live, it is also possible to have a healthy lifestyle Increased concentration and increased performance reach. Especially those who place high demands on themselves when doing sports need a balanced diet with a weekly plan.

Balanced diet: Which diet is the healthiest?

It is difficult to say with certainty which diet is the healthiest, because even the experts differ on this topic. One balanced nutrition means one of each important nutrient in sufficient amounts. Ideally, this should be a lot of vegetables and fruit, many whole grain products, legumes, seeds, nuts and herbs, plus little if any meat and, if possible, no processed meat products such as sausages. Fish is also allowed at one balanced diet are on the menu, the most suitable is low-fat sea fish, which can be eaten 1-2 times a week.

In addition, of course, little sweets, if possible at all no finished products, little white flour products, little fat like cream or similar, prefer selected ones instead, high quality oils such as rapeseed oil and olive oil. 

Balanced diet - examples and tips

healthy cooking lemon ginger spices

What can a balanced, healthy diet look like? A balanced diet ideally means a bit of everything that is healthy. It can be a little more fruit and vegetables, because unfortunately Germans still eat far too little of them on average. One balanced nutrition is especially diversified, vitaminreich and rich in important nutrients.

However, any kind of fast food and finished products should be avoided. Even if it will probably be difficult for one or the other: cook fresh yourself is definitely the best when it comes to a balanced diet! Finished products contain unnecessary sugar and fat, and mostly too few nutrients and vitamins. Fast food is no better.

What is important for a balanced diet?

Knowing which products are healthy and which are not is particularly important for a balanced diet. Protein should be present in the diet in the same way as healthy carbohydrates, nuts, seeds, plenty of vegetables and fruits.

A certain amount of raw food can be included, as it is well known that overcooked vegetables only contain a fraction of the nutrients. Also on the topic Fibres attention should be paid. who too little dietary fiber takes, gets problems with digestion and the gut. Constipation and hemorrhoids can be the annoying result.

Recipes for a balanced diet

Balanced nutrition: Meals and recipes should be checked thoroughly. Many people are not even aware of how often they actually eat unhealthy foods and fast food. There is another way! After all, humans are creatures of habit.

However, if you want to eat a balanced diet and recipes, should be ready to get away from your previous habits and try new things: There are recipes for a balanced diet everywhere, from the Internet to classic cookbooks to cooking shows, there are more than enough suggestions for both beginners and advanced cooks alike.

A balanced diet is also possible with a ketogenic diet

ketogenic diet dish

A special form of nutrition is the ketogenic diet. She is currently pretty trendy, even though it is quite high in fat. Through the ketogenic diet, the so-called Ketosis reached, a metabolic state that occurs when the Diet based on healthy fats. Carbohydrates, on the other hand, disappear almost completely from the menu. The power that the body gets from this comes exclusively from fat.

The advantage: This not only serves to increase performance, but it also helps to make unwanted fat pads disappear.

Lose weight with a balanced diet

You can definitely go with one lose weight with a balanced diet. But only if the number of calories you eat is lower than the number you expend. Anyone who makes sure to consume as little processed sugar as possible and instead relies on high-quality carbohydrates, who also tries to avoid finished products, fast food and hidden fats, is already laying an important foundation for weight reduction.

However, it is best if the attempts to weight Loss from Sport to be accompanied. In principle, you can lose weight without exercising; much faster, healthier and easier, but the project always succeeds in combination with sports.

Daily plan and weekly plan for a balanced diet

Eating a balanced diet with a daily plan is easy to do. It makes sense to take the time one day a week and write down a weekly plan for a balanced diet. That makes both cooking and shopping easier. Everything that is needed can be obtained in good time and the question does not immediately arise: What am I going to cook or eat today?

And finally ...

A balanced diet lays the foundation for physical and mental health capacity. If you eat cleverly, you can increase your performance more with a balanced diet than with doping. A balanced diet ideally means a bit of everything that is healthy. In addition to fruit and vegetables, protein-rich foods such as fish should also be on the menu. Healthy carbohydrates should not be missing to provide the body with enough energy throughout the day.

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