Cold - can infection be avoided?

cold tea blanket woman

bet-cough in daycare, my colleague can't stop sneezing and every second passenger on the bus has a cold. One Wave of cold viruses floods the city and spreads the flu. In addition, influenza is going around and coronaviruses are spreading. Hopefully you don't get infected, or you've already caught the virus. Can you infection avoid at all?

Caution: risk of infection

Many people catch a cold two, three or more times a year. The statistical evidence for this is almost superfluous, because it is noticeable and you feel the same way. As is well known, the high season for coughs and colds falls in the cold season. Nevertheless is not the cold the trigger, but viruses, often rhinoviruses.

Everyone sick spreads the pathogens further and between November and February the whole country is (felt) sniffling. Be careful that it doesn't get you too: Surprisingly simple measures can help. This includes good hand hygiene and keeping your distance from acutely ill people, who in turn should Cough sneeze etiquette . note

Can the cold wave be contained?

wash your hands

General Rules of conduct for colds:

  1. Frequently wash your hands thoroughly
  2. Cough and sneeze into the crook of your arm instead of covering your mouth
  3. Keep at least one meter away from people who have a cold, if possible
  4. Avoid shaking hands
  5. Touch your face with your fingers as little as possible
  6. Air the room regularly
  7. Cleaning frequently touched surfaces

Besides that advises the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on "staying at home if you are sick".

Incidentally, these rules apply to all viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract, regardless of whether they are caused by rhinoviruses, influenza viruses or corona viruses. This is done by droplets or Smear infection, so to speak, through inhalation or from the hands directly onto the mucous membranes. From there, the virus particles penetrate into the host cell and can be multiplied. Also read the article on viruses in general.

Basically, this article is about the transmission of common colds. These are very often triggered by rhinoviruses, in the specialist literature you will also find the term respiratory viruses for airway viruses. About further measures regarding seasonal influenza informs the RKI in detail.

The institute also provides further information on coronavirus infections and the new type of corona virus.

Why is hand hygiene so important

finger face eyebrow man

Someone counted and determined: people touch their mouth and nose around 300 times a day. Healthy people do it and so do people with colds. Ten fingers and both palms thus become potential means of transport for the germs, in both directions. So from the body to things and vice versa.

Tiny traces of the affected nasal mucus can contain countless viruses that end up on the next door handle, for example, and are transmitted from there. Those who are ill protect others by washing their hands thoroughly, those who are still healthy protect themselves.

What does thorough hand washing mean?

You probably wash your hands more often. as Precautionary measure during cold season you should be particularly careful when doing this. So thoroughly lather the entire hand area, don't forget the areas between the fingers and under the fingernails.

Allow yourself twenty up for that thirty seconds Time. Then rinse thoroughly under running water and rub dry with an absorbent cloth. If no soap is available, rub vigorously under running water, this at least reduces the number of germs - better than not washing at all.

How often should you wash your hands?

The Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) recommends washing your hands after every cough, sneeze and blow your nose. Now think too: Then I could stay at the sink during the acute phase. It's not necessary, but at least do it before you touch objectsthat others have to touch.

After you have been in contact with infected people, have been in high-traffic rooms and when you get home, wash your hands as a preventive measure. After going to the toilet, before eating and before preparing food, you do it anyway, but beyond that it is better to have more than too little.

Cough and sneeze according to etiquette

sneeze woman floor blanket

Coughing and sneezing, she hurls the body's defenses germs from the respiratory tract. If you do nothing, the particles become airborne, hovering in the air for a short time before falling to the ground or other surface. A person opposite may even get something or breathe in the viruses. In the past it was always "hand over his mouth".

But then you have everything on your hands and you may continue to smudge it. Even with a supposedly dry cough, this is undesirable and uncomfortable. Ideally, you should have a clean handkerchief to hand in good time, if the reflex comes as a surprise, cough or sneeze into the crook of your elbow.

Body's own defenses against cold viruses

With all caution and prudence, maybe some will make it Viruses on your mucous membranes. Then you still have the (hopefully) strong body's defenses.

Stay outside of a host Rhinoviruses intact for a few hours before the structure dries up. During this time, a sick person can leave many viruses in the air, on doorknobs, keyboards, handles and other surfaces. Those who are still healthy pick up the pathogens there. If the body's defenses are strong enough, the attackers are flushed out with the nasal mucus. With a bit of luck, those affected feel little more than a tingling in their nose, which runs easily.

Otherwise the particles dock, can multiply and take over one host cell after the other. The new host falls ill and feels the same way. Because in order to get rid of the constantly growing number of intruders, the body deploys heavier, energy-sapping defensive artillery.

In very simplified terms, the first defense reaction can be described as follows:

Defense reaction against cold viruses: Rinse and spin out

young sneeze pathogen

About eyes, nose and mouth cold viruses enter the body. A thin layer of moisture and mucus on the respective mucous membranes forms the first protective barrier. These layers of nasal secretions, tear film and saliva contain the enzyme lysozyme. It can render viruses harmless by destroying their structure. The remains are simply rinsed out, making the eyes water and the nose run. If necessary, the defense triggers a coughing and/or sneezing stimulus and throws the intruders out of the respiratory tract with secretion.

Ideally, that's it, your immune system has successfully fought off the cold!

But when the protective mucus over the Mucous membranes dry out and cracked particles can penetrate and the defensive fight continues for one round. More mucus is formed, which traps the multitude of cold viruses and is transported away with the help of fine cilia. You can feel it by the typical symptoms described above. In the post to “home remedies for colds” you will find some tips on how to make this phase easier and relieve cold symptoms.

Strengthen the protective barrier of the immune system

This is about the successful one Defense against first intruders, which requires sufficient mucus on the mucous membranes. In order for the body to be able to form this secretion at all, it needs liquid, which you drink have to. Dry air robs the mucus of moisture, making it tough until it dries up. So drink a lot so that new secretion can be produced and try to keep the indoor climate healthy. Because the air in heated and air-conditioned rooms is often particularly dry.

Help against dry mucous membranes

Once again: Drink a lot, because the mucous membranes are mainly kept moist from the inside by body fluids.

green plants in the room and indoor fountain can be helpful and ensure a pleasant level of humidity.

Do you like sweets? Well, then go ahead and suck on a sour drop, it'll stimulate you salivation and the mouth does not dry out. Citrus fruits and lemon tea have a similar effect.

There are also some ointments and sprays on the market that have been developed to prevent the nasal mucosa from drying out. ENT doctors recommend, for example, nasal sprays and nasal douches containing sea salt. There are also corresponding drops for dry eyes. Please ask your pharmacy for expert advice on these products.

We cannot guarantee that you will stay healthy. But the measures described improve the chances of this happening. Also think about them vitamin rich diet, treat yourself to some rest, strengthen your immune system through Kneipp and sauna and so on. Make it difficult for germs and don't catch a cold.

Another note: disinfectants

Have you missed the disinfectants so far? This is missing on purpose, because it was all about rhinoviruses as the cause of the common cold. These are non-enveloped viruses, also called naked viruses. Many work against their structures commercial disinfectants Not alcohol based at all.

If you want to clean items used by the sick, water and all-purpose cleaner should do the trick. Because the Particles relatively sensitive to acid are, you can add a little more vinegar. As already mentioned, rhinoviruses dry up outside the host and become inactive after a few hours. Wipe off the residue with normal cleaning solution.

With other pathogens and in certain facilities such as hospitals and nursing homes, disinfectants can be necessary and useful. Then the right choice and proper use of the remedy is important.

hygiene tips
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