Top 5 Superfoods ∙ These foods increase your performance

top superfood

have been for some time Superfoods on everyone's lips. No wonder: you are characterized by one high content of beneficial ingredients out. That's why a real hype about superfood seeds, powders and the like has developed. While just a few years ago almost nobody knew exactly what chia seeds were all about, chia is now at least familiar to almost everyone. The power seeds are now also part of many dietary supplements performance increase.

It is believed that due to the high nutrient density Superfoods health-promoting properties and you can use it to prevent diseases. In addition, superfoods have one thing in common: they have a high antioxidant potential, which means that they act as free radical scavengers in the body. They contain so-called secondary plant substances, which are also extremely healthy for humans.

However, many lack ideas and Superfood Recipes – what exactly can be done with chia or hemp seeds, for example? How do you build them into a balanced nutrition a? And can you lose weight with superfood? Where can you even buy superfood?

What is meant by superfoods?

There is no legal regulation for superfoods. One or the other may even be amazed that cocoa - at least in its original, raw state - is a real superfood. It is simply about Foods high in vitamins, minerals and secondary plant substances contain. But this applies above all to the fresh state, because by the time the superfoods are in our shops, it may be that not all of them are there due to the long transport route valuable ingredients in it.

But you quickly forget that it is Superfoods are simply tried and tested natural products that have existed in this form for a long time and have many advantages over industrially produced foods.

ginseng root

For example, rosehip, ginger or Ginseng healthy and tasty superfoods. Ultimately, the term superfood is now often misused for advertising purposes. That's why it's sometimes not easy to recognize what really is a superfood and what deserves this name.

What is certain, however, is that it is not enough to just eat a few extra superfoods and otherwise continue to eat as before. It is best to include sufficient amounts of superfoods in the daily menu in addition to a healthy and balanced diet.

Lose weight with superfoods?

You can lose weight with superfoods? It depends on. Certainly not in the sense that you simply consume a superfood and expect the pounds to tumble - that would be nice, but it's a bit unrealistic.

Superfoods support weight loss, for example, by Fat burning is boosted. In addition to chiasms, these also include linseed, matcha, the acai berry and maca. Superfoods do not replace a diet, they can at best be a useful supplement, especially when combined with exercise.

Buy superfood: What superfoods are there?

The superfood list is long. Starting with the small acerola or acai berries, through chia seeds, hemp seeds and cocoa beans to wheatgrass, there is a lot of regional, but also a lot of national and many products that come from overseas. The environmental aspect of superfoods should not be ignored. Superfoods also often grow in our garden without us realizing it: nettle, for example, dandelion or goutweed.

Increase concentration and performance with superfoods

You can Increase performance with superfoods? When it comes to the right superfoods, definitely. Many Superfoods can improve performance. These include, for example Ginseng or Matcha, Also Nuts are known to be extremely good for the brain and are considered real super brain food.

In this respect are Superfoods So not just for ours physical, but also for ours mental performance extremely important and above all effective. Above all, these are recommended POWER BALLS* and the KICKBAR Power Bar* from BRAIN EFFECT. In addition to nuts, they also contain cranberries and chia seeds and thus offer a powerful mix of ingredients for more power and more concentration.

Superfood Recipes

muesli superfood

Who visites Superfood Recipes searches, will for sure the Internet too find. It also makes sense to get a superfood book in which each product and how it works is described in detail. We have often been using superfood for a long time without realizing it: blueberries and currants, but also kale and avocado are real superfoods. Everyone probably has recipes for this in their cookbooks or in their heads. Superfood seeds like chia in particular are great for mixing into morning muesli, and if you find it difficult to incorporate superfoods into your food, you can also regularly mix superfood smoothies.

Superfood criticism - is it justified?

Wherever there is light, there is also shadow: Superfood review is partly justified. Even if the small nutrient bombs have outstanding ingredients, no health benefits have yet been scientifically proven. Also are Superfoods often with pollutants burdened.

These are, for example, often pesticides, heavy metals or aromatic hydrocarbons. In addition, the Superfood environmental aspect also often forgotten. If these superfoods are transported halfway around the world, that's not a good idea from an environmental point of view. As an alternative to exotic superfoods, there are often local variants such as chia seeds, flaxseeds or blueberries with goji berries.

Buy superfood: powder, seeds, capsules?

Superfoods come in the form of seeds, capsules, powder, etc. Superfoods are often added to other foods, such as chia seeds, which are often found in bread or rolls. Superfood seeds and superfood powder can be found in almost every supermarket today, Buy superfoods alternatively you can in health food stores or on the internet. If you want to buy superfood, you should pay attention to the production. Because the demand for superfoods is so great, many of them are cultivated and treated with pesticides. Here it is always good to pay attention to organic quality. Ideally, superfoods are not processed industrially, but rather in raw form, even better from wild collection. the BRAIN EFFECT POWER BALLS make rich in proteins and dietary fiber, the BRAINEFFECT KICKBAR power bar convinced with nuts and berries, Cranberries and different vitamins.

Our top 5 superfoods

Superfoods are all the rage right now, but which superfoods are particularly effective? We took a closer look at some superfoods and put together our top 5:

1. Chlorella

Chlorella is a freshwater algae with a particularly high concentration of chlorophyll. Chlorella contains many essential amino acids and is full of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Chlorella also has a detoxifying effect and strengthens the immune system.

2. Chia seeds

Chia seeds are particularly widespread in South America and were already considered medicinal by the Maya. Chia seeds are high in protein, on average twice as much as other grains. Chia also contains a lot of calcium, potassium and iron.

3. Almonds

Almonds contain a lot of energy and are fuller unsaturated fatty acids, roughage and lots of vital substances. Almonds can also counteract high blood pressure and also strengthen bones and digestion.

4. Ginger

The power tuber from Asia has been used as a medicinal plant for centuries. That's why it also finds a place in our superfood list. Ginger has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces muscle soreness after a strenuous workout.

5. Berries

Berries such as cranberries or goji berries score particularly well with their high vitamin and mineral content. Berries are rich in antioxidants that protect the body from oxidative stress. In addition, berries are a great addition to your morning muesli, for example.


Why Superfoods?

Chlorella, chia seeds, almonds, ginger and berries - our top 5 superfoods. Of course you can List still continue: There are numerous high effective superfoods. They are packed with minerals, antioxidants and other essentials natural ingredientsthat the body needs to remain efficient and vital.

Nuts, for example, are very important for them capacity of the human brain. It is not for nothing that nuts are referred to as food for the nerves. Because of the vitamin Bs they contain, almost all nuts are good for them Concentration and are involved in the formation of new nerve tissue. Thanks to their unsaturated fatty acids, fiber and minerals, they also have a positive effect on digestion and the Cardiovascular and significantly reduce the risk of serious illnesses.

And other superfoods are also full of such “superpowers”. The already mentioned chia seeds are not only popular because of their high protein content, they also work free radicals effectively counteract those that can harm the body. In addition, chia seeds are often used as a substitute for eggs or gelatine and are essential for a healthy, vegan diet - the plant-based binder even contains five times as much calcium as milk.

Chia seeds also help with weight loss: so if you look for one slim figure pay attention, should put a spoonful of the superfood in his muesli more often. 100 g fiber is contained per 34 g, which supports digestion positively. In addition, chia seeds swell up and ensure a lasting feeling of satiety.

Integrate superfoods into everyday life

As already mentioned, the net is full Recipes for healthy dishes that can be conjured up with superfoods. Despite this, many people still find it difficult to integrate superfoods into their everyday lives - be it the lack of ideas or the lack of time to prepare meals yourself.

Fortunately, some of the most effective superfoods are nuts, seeds, and berries. These can easily be put into the breakfast integrate. Just try it with porridge or muesli and add the superfoods of your choice.

Such a breakfast not only tastes good, but also ensures the best start to the day. Anyone who already starts the day with superfoods will notice how it increases their own performance and lifts their spirits. Anyone who needs to be particularly quick in the morning can also get one Superfood smoothie mix.

However, what about that lunch and dinner out? Can superfoods also be easily integrated here? Not every superfood goes well with sweets, so they can also be integrated into salty meals.

In addition to algae, spinach, avocados and turmeric are also highly effective superfoods that increase performance. These sound more like ingredients that can be used to prepare nutritious dishes. As mentioned, many are already consuming superfoods without even realizing it, but recipes that don't include them can also be used healthy foods spice up quickly and easily.

And finally ...

Superfoods make a good and important contribution to a healthy and balanced diet. Superfoods can, but do not necessarily have to, come from distant regions, as there are also numerous superfoods such as seeds and herbs right on our doorstep in Central Europe.

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